Reflect Glory

Category: , By Ryan Johns
As musicians and in front of people quite a bit, there are times when we get "glory" for how awesome the band is doing or how well we played or sang.

But, then I was thinking about the praise we're given and then got over to the word Glory somehow. Glory is defined as very great praise, honor, or distinction bestowed by common consent; renown." So taken in that context, sometimes we as singers/musicians/bands and people in public spotlight in any way, get glory. I tend to find myself trying to think of a way to respond in a good way to comments like, "wow the band was awesome tonight", "wow you sang good" or "wow you played good."

Every once in a while it'll happen, and I just say thank you and try to dismiss it. I'd love to turn to them and say"Thank you, but it's all for the glory of God" because I feel cheesy so to speak and wimp out.

Then I ran across this scripture, check it out!

Psalms 30:12 says "To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever."

This is David talking of course, the giant killer, #1 worship leader of all time, King of a country, and as a friend of mine would say "He's a Beast!" BUT, he tried his best to reflect his glory to let his position and his accomplishments be a song of praise to God. He understood that his life was just a mirror, reflecting.

Bottom line, you just need to remember two words...

Reflect glory.

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