My Worship Formula

Category: By Ryan Johns
Well, OK, so there isn't a REAL formula to make worship just happen in service, it takes a whole lot more, but this is something I lean pretty heavily on for every worship service I'm in.

Vertical Worship + U Worship = Powerful Worship

Vertical worship is simply songs that aren't gathering songs or testimonial type songs, but are songs that are of exhortation and praise. I heard this gospel song on the radio that said "You can't straddle the fence" and after about 2 million times of the back ground vocals repeating that line and the on-going ad libs of the soloist you were ready to jump off a cliff let alone a fence. It just wasn't a good "God" song. I like to listen to Christian rock music and my Dad would always say "Where's Jesus?" Not in the music style but in the words, what does it have to do about God!? That question always had me re-evaluating my music and caused me to categorize my music into "uplifting God" and "entertaining me." Which is a whole other post in itself.

U Worship isn't about "you" it's talking about HIM! A "non-U" song would be "God is great and greatly to be praised, God is great in my soul etc." a "U" song would be "You are great, You do miracles so great there is NO ONE else like YOU." That is a conversation between You and God.

Check out these scriptures, Psalms 7:17; "I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high." Psalms 9:2; "I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High." Psalms 22:25a; "My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation..." David had the concept of how to praise!

Those two things, Vertical Worship, and "U" Worship, combined with praying and fasting will make all the difference in the world when it comes down to the outcome of your worship services.

Of course there are other factors into why or why not it doesn't work in your service, but look for that post sometime soon!


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